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The modern energy grid will be data-driven, have improved security and rely on the edge to manage data processing. Courtesy: Intel/Fortinet

Building a secure energy and power grid for the future

The energy market has had rapid increases in demand that cannot be fulfilled with carbon-based fuels. It requires companies to use renewable energies such as solar and wind to keep up. What’s needed is an […]

Automated secure device onboarding is shown as a six-step process using the IoT as part of the delivery system for the supply chain. Courtesy: Fortinet/Intel

Secure device onboarding for manufacturing supply chain

The manufacturing sector is becoming more interconnected as the Internet of Things (IoT) allows data to be transferred from many devices. IoT device security is critical, and configuring credentials, a process called onboarding, is a […]

Many wonder where to start when attempting to protect embedded systems in OT cybersecurity? Here are some great places to start.

Managing the costs of OT cyber insurance

Cybersecurity insurance is an increasingly important weapon in the risk management arsenal of today’s enterprises. Unknown just a decade ago, these popular policies now offer organizations a crucial hedge against risks that defy routine assessment, […]

Figure 4: The risk management cycle, and incorporation of Industry 4.0 goals for security controls implementation. Courtesy: Grantek

Upgrading industrial PC cybersecurity in manufacturing

Learning Objectives Cybersecurity attacks against manufacturers and other industrial sites are growing every year. When developing a cybersecurity plan, is best to look at it through the lens of business risk reduction and enabling innovation. […]

Courtesy: Verve Industrial

TSA Pipeline cybersecurity directive announced

On May 27, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its initial regulatory response to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack. As the Security Directive highlighted, this is only the first step in what is likely […]

The modern energy grid will be data-driven, have improved security and rely on the edge to manage data processing. Courtesy: Intel/Fortinet

Building a secure energy and power grid for the future

The energy market has had rapid increases in demand that cannot be fulfilled with carbon-based fuels. It requires companies to use renewable energies such as solar and wind to keep up. What’s needed is an […]

Automated secure device onboarding is shown as a six-step process using the IoT as part of the delivery system for the supply chain. Courtesy: Fortinet/Intel

Secure device onboarding for manufacturing supply chain

The manufacturing sector is becoming more interconnected as the Internet of Things (IoT) allows data to be transferred from many devices. IoT device security is critical, and configuring credentials, a process called onboarding, is a […]

Many wonder where to start when attempting to protect embedded systems in OT cybersecurity? Here are some great places to start.

Managing the costs of OT cyber insurance

Cybersecurity insurance is an increasingly important weapon in the risk management arsenal of today’s enterprises. Unknown just a decade ago, these popular policies now offer organizations a crucial hedge against risks that defy routine assessment, […]

Figure 4: The risk management cycle, and incorporation of Industry 4.0 goals for security controls implementation. Courtesy: Grantek

Upgrading industrial PC cybersecurity in manufacturing

Learning Objectives Cybersecurity attacks against manufacturers and other industrial sites are growing every year. When developing a cybersecurity plan, is best to look at it through the lens of business risk reduction and enabling innovation. […]

Courtesy: Verve Industrial

TSA Pipeline cybersecurity directive announced

On May 27, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced its initial regulatory response to the Colonial Pipeline ransomware attack. As the Security Directive highlighted, this is only the first step in what is likely […]



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